Below is a selection of files we have compiled over time that you can download for your own personal information and use.

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Beekeeping. Getting started.
Comfrey Fact Sheet 01
Fact Files (Pests) 1. Blackfly


2. Pea & Bean Weevils
3. Raspberry pests
4. Slugs & Snails
Fact Files (Diseases) 1. Brassica diseases
2. Potato Blight (sheet 01)
 3. Potato Blight (sheet 02)
 4. Raspberry diseases
Fertilizers Comprehensive information on fertilizer & lime use. Also soil pH facts


1. A start-up guide for new gardeners
2. Plot-holders guide
Plant Information 1. Egyptian onions
Planting Full sowing/ planting time schedule
Plant Support 1. Runner Bean 'V' frame diagram & associated construction information
Poem Garden of Life
Raised Beds Information sheet
Welsh Assembly Government 1. Sustainability Committee report (vegetable gardening allotments)
Wildlife 1. Natural England's allotment wildlife brochure