For more information:

  • About us

  • On applying for an allotment plot

  • On our official documentation etc.

Of course you don't have to become a member to help our charity, you can always make a donation towards our work for the allotment movement and local communities by clicking on this 'DONATE NOW' button.


Before submitting your application, there is a little information about MEMBERSHIP below - or if you wish to go straight to our on-line membership application form at the foot of this page: Click HERE



Any individual of sixteen years of age or over who wishes to further the aims and objects of the Aeron Vale Allotments Trust (AVAT - a registered charity No. 1166320) may become a member of AVAT. Membership of AVAT will be open to all persons who are eligible and accepted by the board of charity trustees after completing a membership application in writing or on-line. The board of trustees shall retain the right to refuse membership for whatever reason that they may decide that an individual is not suitable to become a member of AVAT

There are five classes of AVAT membership, (distinct from trustees). The classes of membership are as follows:-

1. Full (Plot-Holding) members of AVAT

  • Full membership is only available to individuals (other than trustees - who are primary members) who have accepted an offer to rent an allotment gardening plot from AVAT. If you wish to apply for a plot now, then please click on the green button below. By applying for a plot you will automatically become an Affiliate Member and will not need to send us an application for Affiliate Membership from this page.

  • After the tenancy agreement is signed by both parties i.e. the Landlord (AVAT) and the Tenant (the prospective garden plot holder) the plot-holder automatically becomes a full member of AVAT.

  • Full members have the right to vote at all AVAT member meetings that are open to all members this does not include meetings of the charity trustees or meetings of the board of trustees.

  • Full members can stand for election to the Site Management Committee (S.M.C.) of their site at an A.G.M. or at an E.G.M. Full members may be co-opted to a S.M.C. by the board of charity trustees only.

  • There will only be one full member allowed per household. A full membership fee will be payable by the plot-holder annually to AVAT. Plot-holders will also pay rent for their plot. Both plot rent and membership fee will form part of the annual subscription to AVAT. Part of the full membership fee will be used to pay AVAT’s annual subscription  and insurances etc. to any  association or governing body that AVAT may be an affiliate of. Subscriptions including plot rents and membership fees will be reviewed and set by the charity trustees on an annual basis.

2.  Affiliate (Basic) Members of AVAT

  • Affiliate membership is open to anyone that wants to have an active involvement or has an interest in AVAT’s activities. An annual fee is payable for affiliate membership at 50% of the cost of the full membership fee - whatever that may be set at when affiliate membership is applied for. Current affiliate membership is £5.00 per annum.

  • Partners and helpers of plot holders will automatically qualify as affiliate members - if they wish to formally apply, but there is no obligation to do so. Affiliate members will be required to pay an affiliate member’s fee. They can attend and take an active part in all meetings for members, but will have no voting rights at those meetings.

  • Any partners or helpers of plot holders will NOT be allowed to attend meetings unless they have become affiliate members and have paid the affiliate membership fee in full up to the date of the meeting.

  • Each person who has submitted a plot tenancy application form and is added to AVAT’s “waiting list” for an allotment garden plot automatically becomes an affiliate member and has to pay an annual affiliate membership fee for as long as they remain on the list or until their aggregate annual affiliate membership becomes equal to the initial bond required for a plot (see 'Bond' on the page linked to via the 'click here' button above). If an affiliate member ceases to pay the affiliate membership fee then it will be assumed that they no longer wish to rent a plot and their name will be removed from the waiting list; their name will also be removed from any distribution lists etc. AVAT will inform them of this in good time before renewal is due.

  • Affiliate members are entitled to attend all meetings that are open to all AVAT’s members. Affiliate members can take part in discussions but can not vote at such meetings. Affiliate members will also receive all AVAT circulars, memos, newsletters, announcements and any other information that is generally circulated to AVAT’s members. They will have access to the 'Members Area' of the trust's web-site. They will also be given priority when distributing surplus crops from the Trust's allotment sites.

3.  Group Members of AVAT

Group membership will be by invitation only (e.g. schools etc.). A ‘group’ can consist of group members under the age of sixteen. Group members under sixteen years of age will be supervised by a group leader over sixteen years of age. Groups to be represented by one individual - nominated or appointed by the group they represent - at meetings of all AVAT members. Group member representatives can not vote at any AVAT meetings. Group members are not charged a membership fee.

4.  Support Members

National, international or local voluntary and non-profit making organisations, incorporated or unincorporated, deemed by the board of trustees to be interested in and conducive to furtherance of the work of AVAT; such organisations to be represented at meetings of AVAT members by one individual - nominated or appointed - by AVAT. Support members’ representatives can not vote at any AVAT meetings. Support members are not charged a membership fee.

5.  Independent (Honorary) Members

AVAT may invite any individual who has supported the aims of AVAT or given service to AVAT, to become an independent member. Independent members will have no voting rights, but at the discretion of the board of trustees may be granted voting rights and may become trustees. Independent members are not charged a membership fee.





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Do you accept the terms of membership, and will you abide

by our constitution and governance document at all times?

| Read our Constitution | Read our Governance Document|


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